First Day of Issue = February 5, 1919
Size: 16.75 mm x 22.00 mm
Imperforate 3 sides, perforated top 9.75

Printed on pelure (cigarette) paper.

From "Lettland: Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschiechte - Die Briefmarken in Rubel-Währung 1918 - 1922", page 67.

Printed in sheets of 400, each of which consists of four counter sheets of 100. Each counter sheet consists of two half-sheets of 50 separated by a horizontal line of perforation gauging 93/4. It therefore follows that ten stamps on each sheet are perforated 93/4 at the bottom and ten with this gauge at the top.

Catalog numbers
Scott 13
Michel LV 10B

This stamp belongs to the following sets

Definitive and Commemorative Stamps, 1918-1945